I am really looking forward to our March EWI meeting, for a couple of reasons. Programming Chair Kelly Vander Hooft of Urban Studio Interior Design has been doing such an amazing job organizing our meeting venues and Paradise Canyon Country Club is another fabulous find. Having been to many functions there I anticipate the food will be yummy and the scenery is always spectacular.
Another reason our March meeting is so special is that it is our Membership Drive and a great opportunity to show off our organization. With that in mind, here are some of the benefits of EWI as suggested by our members:
- An opportunity to connect with like-minded peers
- Fun and impact-ful (is that a word?) volunteer involvement with local groups
- Exclusivity of business categories
- Being part of (and proud of!) the best fashion show this city has ever seen!
- Tapping into a supportive network of southern Alberta business women who've been there for advice or a listening ear
- Opportunities for networking both inside and outside EWI
- Great speakers
- Free professional development through top level presentations and webinars
- Showcasing your business with a Firm Night
- Opportunities to learn from the collective wisdom of our membership during our roundtable business focus question
These are just a few... what else could you add about what makes EWI such a great organization to be part of? Let's show off our group by each inviting one or more prospective members to join us March 17th, and I will donate a gift certificate to the member who brings the most guests! See you there...